Our expertise is in :
- General Aviation
- Airframe
- Powerplant
- Recovery
Special Group for Modifications & Repair :
Ccand D Check Maintenance and Services on :
B-727,B-737, B-747,B-757,B-767,B-777,
- MLG Removed and Replaced
- APU Removed and Replaced
- Engines Removed and Replaced
- Pylon repair and modifications
- Flight Controls Maintenance and Services
- skin removal and replacement
- 2ku antenna
- Wi-Fi modification
- Winglet Installations
- fire system installation
- NGS mod
- cargo mod on B-737-400/800
- cargo mod On CRJ-200
- maintenance Huey II ,N model ,OH-58
- ALE -47 Tail Boom Gun flare Mod fabrication and installation
- Up grade Mod UH-I to UH-II
- Avionics structural Modifications
- Composite material inspection and repair cold bond repair , wet lay up repair on carbon fiber ,metal to metal ,glass fiber